
Happiness Is a Choice

Happiness is not by chance, but by choice. - Jim Rohn

“Happiness is not by chance, but by choice.” – Jim Rohn –

We do not find happiness by happenstance. It’s not something that just ‘happens’ to find you. Happiness is something you seek, control, and choose to feel.

What is it about dolphins that make us smile?

I think it’s because their playful behavior is contagious! They’re amazingly intelligent, and it’s such a joy watching them having so much fun! They enjoy jumping out of the water, saying ‘hello’, and swimming on the waves and with boats. Start your day by making joy your priority too, and you’ll spread your funness to those around you.😃

Just back from a Mental Funness break on Skidaway Island in Savannah, Georgia.🍑 Connecting with Nature is one way to relax and destress (says the University of Michigan), so that’s what I did! In addition to touring the island by boat, on foot, and by golf cart 🤣, I enjoyed a walking garden tour through historic Savannah🌷🪴🌻, played Pickleball twice (my 2nd and 3rd time ever!), spent quality time with family, savored some Southern seafood, and even made it to the gym!


Karen Owoc

Karen Owoc is a certified Clinical Exercise Physiologist specializing in cardiopulmonary rehabilitation and lifestyle medicine. Her science-based approach to longevity, nutrition, and muscle health has made her the go-to source for health seekers and medical professionals alike. Karen's best-selling book on functional longevity, "Athletes in Aprons: The Nutrition Playbook to Break 100", and her transformative perspective have mended many minds, hearts, and spirits.

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