
Factors That Affect How Long You’re Likely to Live


Time spent sitting negates time spent exercising

The number of steps you log in each day reveals a lot about how you live. As explained in The Definition of Being Fit, being fit is no longer about how much time you spend exercising, but how much time your spend sitting as well. Sitting is now the new smoking and increases your risk of cardiovascular disease mortality.

What Is Your Lifestyle?

  • “Sedentary”: Less than 5,000 steps/day
  • “Low Active”:  5,000 – 7,499 steps/day (daily activity WITHOUT exercise
  • “Somewhat Active”: 7,500 – 9,999 steps/day (some physical activity)
  • “Active”: 10,000 – 12,999 steps/day (engaged in physical activity producing health benefits)
  • “Highly Active”: 12,500  or more

Karen’s Fit Tip: When setting out to rack up some steps, be sure to wear the right walking gear:

  • Comfortable walking shoes that fit properly and have a flexible sole and plenty of toe room.
  • Walking socksSweat-wicking walking socks (NOT cotton).
  • UV protection, especially for your head, shoulders, neck, back, cleavage, AND eyes.
  • Sunscreen. Don’t underestimate your exposure to UV rays over the course of a day, i.e., walking outside between department buildings or classes on campus, on your lunch hour, and to/from your car or public transit.

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